''Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment."
1 Timothy 6:17 NIV
How do we enjoy life when it can be a struggle just to get out of bed in the morning? First, the enjoyment of life begins with a grateful heart. So, even if you're lying in bed, struggling to get up and get going, begin your day by giving God thanks for every big and little blessing. Next, enjoyment of life can be maintained with hope and faith in God. Spend time in His Word to grow your faith and to encourage your hope by looking for promises He has made (see Psalm 119:2 and Jeremiah 29:11, for example). Finally, enjoyment of life is experienced in the heart through praise and worship. Turn on some worship music when you're on your way to work, when you're struggling, when you're feeling like you have no joy. Take time to praise God every day. It's during that time of praise you'll be able to restore your joy and find some peace, which will reset your enjoyment of life.
God loves you and knows your needs. Trust Him with your life today. He will provide good things for you, so thank Him when you notice them and still praise God even in the difficult moments. Never doubt that God wants you to enjoy this life! Be excited about today. Be excited about tomorrow. Be excited about this moment RIGHT NOW. God has wonderful blessings for you to experience and to enjoy. Live in the glory of this moment and every moment by praising God from Whom all blessings flow. Put your hope in Him because He will work out all things according to His good purpose (Romans 8:28); therefore stand firm and don't let the enemy steal your joy. Jesus died to give you not just eternal life but an abundantly good life now to enjoy every day (see John 10:10)!
Heavenly Father, thank you for your provisions. Thank you for giving me such blessed moments to enjoy. Thank you also for giving me difficult moments that I may seek you more. Forgive me for when I haven't given you the praise and worship you deserve. Please work out everything for my good today, Lord. Shower me with your blessings and help me to enjoy an abundantly good life. I praise you, Jesus, for going through such unbelievable difficulties for me so that I may live with you. I love you. I worship you. I dedicate my life to you. Amen.
