"The Lord values those who fear him,
those who put their hope in his faithful love."
Psalm 147:11 CSB
How can you tell if you value God? Look at what you give Him. Look deeper than just time, money, talents, energy, and treasures. Look at how you live for Him, how you serve Him, how you put aside your wants to take on what He needs.
What we give is a direct reflection of what we value.
The Spirit spoke these words to me the other day as I was struggling through a situation, and I have to say, they stopped me in my tracks. I had to take time and really reflect on how much I valued God before I could move forward in my situation. I can honestly say I was humbled by my realization that I had not been valuing Him as much as I know I should. "He was despised, and we didn’t value him. Yet he himself bore our sicknesses, and he carried our pains." (Isaiah 53:3-4 CSB).
God values us so much that He gave His one and only Son to die for us (see John 3:16). Jesus values us so much that regardless of how we would (and do) treat Him, He still chose to take on our punishment, bear our sicknesses, carry our pains, be there for us. His death on the cross makes our life possible both here on earth and the one to come.
What we give is a direct reflection of what we value.
Before you move forward in your situation today, take time to think about what you value, and I mean really think. Take time to journal who you value and why you value them. Respond with written thoughts (and pray about this!) about what you should give according to those who you value.
Precious one, know how valued you are by our Lord and Savior. He died for you. Your life matters. Live for Him. He's worth it.
"Just as I considered your life valuable today,
so may the Lord consider my life valuable and rescue me from all trouble.”
1 Samuel 26:24 CSB
