With a blink of an eye
You make mountains;
one exhale and the sun rises.
You are God Most High!
And yet, I try to create
to fit into my life.
I confine
I limit
I humanize
THE Almighty
and I become god.
No wonder my life falls apart
like paper soaked in water too long
and why I lose control
(like I ever had it)
and why satisfaction cannot be found on anything
I lay my hands.
No wonder why
is not enough
to keep people and why
my soul yearns for
in a room full of brokenness
as I watch
crumble into piles on the floor
because it was never real
fake it'til you make it is a lie laughing at me.
But YOU, O LORD, are
the only hope
the only truth
the only love
the only GOD.
You created me
breathing LIFE into my lungs
And oh! What a life to live
if only I
let You be.
~Angelica M. Young
