Are you weary of making all the decisions? Me too. I've got good news for the both of us: We don't have to! God already knows what we need, what we should do, how we should do it, and what the plan is for our lives--every part of our lives. If we are living by the Spirit, then He will lead us.
God's love for you isn't just about the big, important things like forgiveness, salvation, and what you should do with your life. He cares about every detail of your life and every decision you make. He just wants to be a part of it.
Nothing is too mundane to ask God what He thinks. He will even lead us in what we should wear today as we get ready to follow Him. That's how much God delights in us! He invites us to cast every care onto Him. He shepherds us because He wants to lead us down the right paths.
So, consider today returning the invite and asking the Spirit to lead you in every decision. Then, wait for His peace to fill your spirit as you go in His direction. You won't grow weary of His leading.