'''Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane?'"
Job 39:19
Suggested Scripture reading: Job 39.
Listen. Life is H-A-R-D. God knows this. He gets it. He doesn't enjoy suffering any more than we do. He certainly doesn't enjoy watching us suffer. Here's what I've experienced in my relationship with God: He knows more about this hard life. He knows more about the suffering we're experiencing. He knows the why, the how, the what, the when, and to what extent. He knows every detail because He is a detail-oriented God.
In Job 39, God questions Job about Job's position of power versus His [God's] position of power. What I love most about the questioning are the details of God's questions. "[Do you] clothe it's neck with a flowing mane?" (v.19) God could've just said, "Did you give the horse a mane?" But instead He asked if Job was the one who gave the horse a flowing mane.
Look. God is into details. He specifically, with intentional detail, gave the horse a flowing mane. (And if you think about it, any other kind of mane would not suit a horse, especially when a horse is running!) A flowing mane makes a horse that much more beautiful, powerful, intriguing. There are details to our lives that we may not see or understand, especially when we're in the thick of difficulty. But we can trust God. He has all the power and all of the details worked out for a greater purpose perhaps to make our lives more beautiful, more powerful, more intriguing.
Our heavenly Father will not leave us in this hard time forever. We can let God be God. We can let Him have the reins while we rest in the saddle.
God has you. He sees you. He knows you. He loves you, and He will work out every detail for your good (see Romans 8:28).
Almighty God, thank you for loving me enough to work out every detail for my good. Lord, help me to trust you more, to let go of control, and to wait upon you, especially in times of difficulty. Increase my faith. You are powerful and faithful. I love you, Jesus. Amen.
