"Love is patient..."
1 Corinthians 13:4
Waiting patiently is an act of faith, and it is an act of love. If you want to love God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength, then wait on Him. Don't try to force His hand, manipulate a situation, or take control yourself. Wait patiently. God knows your needs, knows your heart, sees you, understands the situation, cares about not just the present but the future, goes before you to prepare a way, and establishes your steps. Walking with Him is a gift. Waiting on Him is love.
Through patience much is attained, much is gained, much is taught, and much is refined. It truly is a virtue and a valuable asset. By being patient you can develop all the other characteristics of love 1 Corinthians 13 lists (see verses 4-7). Trust and faith depend upon patience. Patience puts pride aside and positions you to surrender self. Patience puts power in the proper place--with God. Patience gives you perspective. Patience places you in need of a Savior (glory to God!), and patience prepares you to receive the full promises of God. The Lord always gives more than what He asks of us. He is patient. He is love.
What answer are you waiting on? What act of God are you hoping for? What need do you have? Wait on God. Be patient. In doing so, you're loving God, trusting Him, showing your need for Him. He will answer. He will act. He will provide. His timing and His will are always perfect. He loves you. Believe and be ready to receive.
