"You have given me the shield of your salvation;
your help exalts me.
You make a spacious place beneath me for my steps,
and my ankles do not give way."
2 Samuel 22:36-37 (CSB)
More often then not, we can't see or feel God's protection. Too often, especially, when we feel the storm is raging around us we forget Jesus is in the boat with us. And that's the key to perfect protection...having Jesus with us in the boat. He is our shield of salvation. He is our salvation-armor. He knows the storms and the enemies in our lives. He knows how defeat them, destroy them, and make them disappear. Our job is to hold onto Him like a child holding onto a security blanket at night.
Storms are temporary. Some feel like they're going to last forever, but I promise they don't. Jesus' peace is eternal, and it is the perfect protection you need when you feel the waters rising and the winds raging. Jesus said to His disciples in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful." This gift of peace is for us, too. He knows what we will face in this fallen world and until He, the Prince of Peace, returns, He has left us His peace to protect us, sustain us, and strengthen us.
So how do we receive this peace? Simple. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and then follow Him. I know I said "simple" and I know it doesn't seem so simple, but trust me on this. If you ask Jesus to give you peace, He gives it. This is not a prayer He would wait on to answer. If you continue to seek Jesus for this peace, then you'll continue to receive it. The struggle comes when we want to guide our own steps and do our own things. We lose peace this way because we are no longer seeking Him.
"You make a spacious place beneath me for my steps, and my ankles do not give way." (2 Samuel 22:37) In order to battle the storms, we've got to look to our Commander, our Captain, our Savior. He knows the steps we need to take. He knows the future and how we can safely get through the storm. Don't let distractions determine your destiny. Seek, hold onto, and look to the Prince of Peace. He will see you through the storm, for He is with you always. Jesus is your perfect protection.
