Suggested Readings: Psalm 63, Isaiah 58, Matthew 5:6
Late-night cravings. I have them all the time—salty, sweet, crunchy, fruity, chocolatey—and I can’t ignore them. I have to satisfy whatever the craving is or I can’t settle down enough to sleep. For instance, last night I was craving salty and crunchy, so I had to snack on some cashews to cure that craving.
When I eat what my body and tastebuds seem to want, I am satisfied. When I don’t eat what I am craving (because maybe I don’t have it in my house), oh the torment! Nothing satisfies and then I’m miserable because I eat things (and too much of these things) I don’t even want. So, when I came across this verse from Psalm 107 it got me thinking… am I in-tune enough with my soul to hear its cravings? Do I know what my soul needs to be satisfied? Am I even paying enough attention to see that I am reaching for other things and people throughout my day to try and satisfy a craving that only God can satisfy? What about you? What is your soul longing for?
God designed us to hunger for Him. Why? Because He desires to fill us with what we need--love, peace, joy, hope, mercy, strength, understanding, forgiveness, protection, security, salvation. It's like this...if I put a goldfish in hot water, it'll die instantly (I may or may not have done this when I was very young). The goldfish was designed to live in water but not hot water. Likewise, our souls were designed to live in this world but not of the world. We were designed to live in the will of God while in this world. He is the only one who can truly satisfy.
So, when we reach for things of this world--money, clothes, cars, likes on posts, gaining a social media following, medication, drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, status, approval--we become miserable because our souls stay unsatisfied. But when we reach for God--reading His Word, praying, worshipping, seeking His strength, living to glorify Him, loving Him and others, being still in His presence--we become full of His goodness and the cravings cease to exist. We can settle down in the satisfaction of Him.
Lord, I look to you today to satisfy my soul. Please forgive me for seeking out other things when I should only be seeking you. Thank you for providing for me and loving me. I praise your most holy name, Jesus. Amen.