The deafening sounds of silence shake my system with volatility. Fear and Insecurity approach me impishly and powerfully; all I want to do is cover my ears but if I do, that stinging stillness grows louder
I can’t escape.
So I grab the remote and turn on a life I don’t live, I click on a computer to search for comfort that can't reach back, I flip open my wallet and finger through an array of faux Edens, I scroll through a media that isn't as authentic as the screen in front of me, I press the button on my stereo and blast secularism but even with all of this…
s i l e n c e
prevails. It stalks like a jaguar in the night for the perfect time to attack; it skulks down low and waits. I feel its presence; I know it doesn’t want to devour me but it does just the same. Instead of becoming the hunter I am the hunted
I fall to my knees in defeat
but, then, I hear a Voice--a whisper like a gentle breeze and suddenly I find myself being led by quiet waters and blanketed by peace
a different kind of Silence.
No longer do I feel unsteady nor haunted in my loneliness by a quiet. Instead I welcome it with an open heart and folded hands because I know now the Sounds of Silence in my soul resonate a Shepherding Savior. And
What a sweet, sweet Sound it is.
~AMY., 2023
