Root Resources
Resources created by Angelica
to help encourage, inspire, and
strengthen your faith roots!

Do you want to spend more time in God's Word, but find it difficult to find the time, to stay focused, to know what to do? Let this "15 Minutes with God" journal be a guide for you. Spending quality time is the best way to strengthen any relationship. Begin with 15 minutes with God once a week and see what results. Comes in both hardcover and paperback.
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Do you like to write lists, plan, organize, and/or fill out easy forms? If you said yes to any of these, then "Growing Faith Roots" is the journal for you. Journaling is one of the best ways to grow deeper faith roots. This is an all-in-one journal where you can form powerful spiritual habits from prayer to tracking God's faithfulness to worship to reading God's Word. Comes in a colorful paperback.
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Similar to the original 15 Minutes with God journal, this travelers notebook (4.25x8.25") is perfect for on-the-go journaling, to insert in your travelers notebook, or to keep in your pocketbook for Bible study. This journal is designed to guide you in your quiet time with God as you read His Word. Connect your heart to God's heart by spending 15 minutes or more with Him. Great for teens through adults.
Looking for joy? Did you know it's possible to have joy every day? Practicing gratitude acknowledges God and gives us joy (Psalm 16:11).
This travelers notebook (4.25x8.25") journal will help cultivate that practice. It's a 12-month record keeper, too, of God-moments that bring you joy. When you look for the Lord, He will be found (Jeremiah 29:13), and in Him you'll have the fullness of joy.